The PITEM Pa.C.E. plan
PITEM Pa.C.E. (Piano Integrato Tematico Patrimonio, Cultura, Economia – Integrated Plan on the Themes of Heritage, Culture and Economy) is the first project entirely focused on promoting the cultural heritage of the border land between France and Italy. Widely admired for its tourist destinations and the beauty of its natural environment, this geographical area is also home to a rich and extensive cultural legacy. Through the three projects Far Conoscere, Salvaguardare and Scoprire per Promuovere (Spread the Word, Safeguard and Discover to Promote), PITEM Pa.C.E. aims to increase the appeal of the territories involved also from this point of view, working on ensuring an awareness and promotion of a lesser known but extraordinary heritage.
The interactive Atlas
Visit the constantly updated map to discover all the places of interest in the ALCOTRA area.
Digital content aggregator
Visit the aggregator and discover all the documents digitised by the "To raise awareness" project.
The ALCOTRA space
a sole territory between two nations
Along the border between France and Italy, straddling the Western Alps,
you can find an area peppered with tourism opportunities yet to be
discovered: ALCOTRA. This acronym for Alpi Latine COoperazione
TRAnsfrontaliera is a space containing an extensive array of unique
history, art, and folklore in a region nestled between France and Italy,
crossroads of cultural traditions for millennia. And still today it bears
witness to the cooperation and brotherhood between the French and
Italian sides.